Friday 19 April 2013


The main theme of the movie Troy

In the film, the major theme is the theme of love. In particular, the major idea behind the theme of love is that love transcends all. Paris and Helen are the two major characters to exhibit this idea as their forbidden love is the instigator to the battle of Troy. In the film, Paris and Helen are shown to live in their own world, not caring for the consequences. This ignorance to the consequences gives way to the beginning of the battle of Troy. Even while the battle rages on Paris and Helen overcome all the odds, and eventually at the end of the film, the two of them escape the ruined city of Troy, saved by their love. This greatly contrasts the poem, The Iliad as Helen did not escape the city of Troy with Paris, but was instead taken back by Menelaus. This shows how much Wolfgang Petersen changes a major point in the story to cater for the drama and romance for the modern audience.

The main theme in the epic Iliad

death is glory. This relates to the major theme in The Iliad. Throughout the film, Achilles is shown to be wanting the ultimate glory on the battlefield. Achilles believes that utlimate glory is achieved through his eventual death through battle. In the poem Achilles is torn between chosing fame through his homecoming from a successful battle and achieving fame and glory then and there on the battle field. "Two fates bear me on to the day of death. If I hold out here and I lay siege to Troy My journey home is gone, but my glory never dies. If I voyage back to the fatherland I love, My pride, my glory dies... True, but the life that's left me will be long, The stroke of death will not come on me quickly." Book IX Iliad, This shows how he wishes to achieve true glory on the battlefield, and die with his name 'engraved' into history instead of leaving for home and only gaining a short lived glory

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